Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bing - New Search Engine From Microsoft

Microsoft is launching their next leader follower strategy release by fighting heads up with google in their bread and butter Discover "Search Engine" There are lots of hopes prevailing around in the market and specifically with the circles of Pro Microsoft. Microsoft has amended and touched their product/release Kumo hence the birth of "Bing". Microsoft is considering this to be the "Decision Engine"

Relevancy - Adaptability - and clear structure are considered to be the top weighing factor for this Search Engine. Even though things are not clear with regards to the in depth understanding of algorithm's etc.. its clear that Microsoft is trying serious this time to fight back and win this space.

There are news that IE6 is now going to force this SE even if your default search engine is selected otherwise. As we know these are all speculations at this point in time, but if this happens we can see HUGE hits of bing in many corporates

Also there are reports where Steve Balmer has sanctions A REAL HUGE sum of money ($80 million to $100 million in ad campaign to promote Bing). I am sure this is going to be a real good business war. Whoever is going to win, as a user we enjoy getting the best of the product.

Winning this competition is not easy at all, Google Bagged 75% (approx) of the total hits recently of the searches (survey report for US) but comscore still ranks microsft in a very low score. Its going to be a very good time for all of us to watch the Giants battle it out for their places, and as a Web Analyst there is a raising concern too :)

All you SEO's watch out for yet another big SE for you to think and optimize for. Get your analysis and strategies ready, which is going to be key, relevance or page rank or its link submission or its back links.. its whole new story to crack again and get the versatility spread as over the years we have learnt for the Google Search Engine.

The good thing for us is If there is such a huge campaign planned, i am sure awareness towards Search Engine increases a lot and we can bag more projects. We can add up to our portfolio

Sathish Sampath


How do we know said...

yes, but Bing has just started. Give it time, and then lets evaluate again. At this point, Google has a HUGE advantage. How huge? here's an example - One a vanity search, google gives me 19 search results about me. Bing only manages 5-6. That huge.

Sathish Sampath said...

Yes you are right.. i am assuming still there are millions of pages which would be absorbed under this new SE. But the point i am excited about is the competition, if MS take this seriously. We have already seen some reaction from Google but announcing their phase of releases of their various softwares.